We actually left wednesday at about 3 (once Karen was out of school) and headed out on our great adventure. Madison was completely hyped up for this because Grandma Tate and tallest bam-pa went their earlier this summer. But by the time we actually got to Island Park the excitement was completely gone and everyone was ready to be out of the car! We have friends in my Grandma's ward who own a cabin in Island Park and for a fee let people stay there. It's a wonderful cabin and cheaper than a hotel in yellowstone. We get there and unload and then head to bed with the goal to get up and be on the road by 7...well if you know any of the Julander women we are So NOT morning people and to have me and three children up, fed and in the car by 7 that's like asking the impossible! So off we head to Yelowstone at 8:30. We our heading up to Lemar Valley to see if we can see any bear or wolves because that's where they have been spotted recently. But we get sidetracked because the kids see their first buffalo.
Well on the road again. We stop at some place I can't remember the name and looked for some big horn sheep didn't see any but got some shots of the valley and Madison
Well back on the road after a potty break and to inspect some buffalo poo. We get to Lemar Valley and there are no wolves or bears. we did see lots and lots of herds of buffalo. So we head north to Icebox Canyon to eat lunch. It was this nice little place in the canyon next to a stream. The kids loved finally being out of the car to run around and throw rocks in the stream and eat.
Back on the road to take it easy and see the sights. We stopped to see the herds of Bison and I let Madison use the camera to take some pictures (we brought her own camera but it ended up being broken which equalled a heart broken little girl!)
Madisons pictures:
Back in the car and on the road Again! We then stopped at Upper Falls:
Back in the car...uuuugggh McKinley is so NoT enjoying this...in and out, in and out, in and out, being strapped in this seat over and over again.....and it's only DAY ONE! Next stop fishing bridge, Mom said they would always stop at fishing bridge when she was little and came to Yellowstone. So we stopped and walked on the fishing bridge....not much to say about it other than it's a bridge....we had fun Rollan tried to throw both of the kids in.
Here's mom sexy-wind-blown picture:
More pictures at Fishing Bridge:
Next on to Old Faithful, where it was good to be out of the car and to somewhat go our seperate ways for at least a few minutes. We wondered around for about an hour before Old Faithful went off again. We did some souvenier shopping and took pictures and stretched our cramped legs. As I proceeded to Old Faithful to take some pictures because it was about to go off Carter runs up to me and says...."Mom, mom the fire is going to throw up!" because of the smoke he thought it was a fire, and then my wonderful father, his grandfather gave him the great description of what we were about to witness. great. So then when others of our group came to meet us he had to tell them that the fire was going to throw up. So here are pictures of the "fire throwing up"
Madison's pictures:
Then back in the car to head back to West Yellowstone for dinner. Along the way we saw an elk, he was pretty big
Well that ends day 1 of our yellowstone trip stayed tuned for the next days of our yellowstone saga...
8 years ago
the in and out part of Yellowstone is what I'm most worried about, and all the driving. We thought we could go next year, but it probably isn't going to happen.