I absolutely LUV Black Friday. I love the rush, and energy and the amazingly great deals! Daniel says that something comes over me around 9pm Thanksgiving Day. It's so fun. This year was totally awesome we stayed out ALL Night Long, and all day long...I basically stayed up for about 39 hours and was so utterly and completely exhausted, my bed never looked so good! Angels sang when my head hit the pillow. But as an avid Black Friday Shopper there are some rules everyone needs to know.
So here are the Ten Commandments of Black Friday!
1- Thou Shalt Have a Plan
2- Thou Shalt Wear Good, Comfortable, Supportive Shoes
3- Thou Shalt Not Take a Cart, Unless you have a designated person with a cart whom stays out of the way!
4- Thou Shalt Go as a Group (besides it's more fun that way)
5- Thou Shalt Have Designated Items For Each Person to Retrieve (ie: 1-gets DVDs 2-gets games, etc...)
6- Thou Shalt Not Whine
7- Thou Shalt Never be a Line Jumper! (at Target you will be thrust from the store or arrested depending on how far you push security)
8- Thou Shalt Keep Your Ads With You at ALL Times
9- Thou Shalt Have FUN, if you don't get what you came out for oh well, no big deal, If you do get what you were after...You So Totally Rock!
10- Thou Shalt Get Out of MY Way! :)
Happy Shopping!
8 years ago
I totally loved Target's line! I wish Shopko would do that. I've never done Black Friday with anyone. But, I was able to get to 3 stores in 1 hour and I got everything I went out to get.