Saturday, August 14, 2010

Girls Camp

This is my fourth year in a row as camp director. I won't lie, it is one of my favorite callings. I enjoy being with the youth and being in the outdoors away from the world, and having the opportunity to teach. This year girls camp was on a ward level. We decided to go to a church owned camp in American Fork Canyon, called Mutual Dell. It's a short ways up the canyon from Timpinogas. Mutual Dell is a fabulous camp. We had flush toilets, showers, options for canoeing, zip line, confidence course, hiking, a baseball diamond, and tons of room in the great out doors. I would recommend Mutual Dell to anyone in charge of running a Girls Camp. Here's the group of girls...before we started the hike A view from the hike. You have to love the Mountains! Some of the activities we did were provided by the camp. They said they had a low level confidence course and so we scheduled time to participate on the four courses. It was amazing the growth the girls made in a matter of a few hours. Given a choice I would go back to this camp again and again. First up we had the Cable Walk. A cable was connected to trees about 18 inches off the ground. And you had to get your entire team to the end with out touching the ground. It was very tricky.
The next part of the course was the climbing wall. I'm not going to lie, there were some girls that you might call athletically challenged. I didn't know if they would make it. But with a lot of teamwork, leader support EVERY girl made it up the climbing wall. We also had people come to talk to us, Daniel was one of them. It was a great talk
We also learned a lot of this....
The next course was the Spider's Web. Where you had to get every person in your group through a different hole while not talking.
The last course was the Giant's Thumb. You had to take the tire off the giant pole without you or the tire touching the pole. Here are our priesthood leaders helping with the zip line....this is where you crash at the end. It was a blast! Everyone had so much fun on the zip line. Everyone got to ride it 3 times. This is how much crazy fun we had. This is the name of our campsite. Our Last day....sad....wait...WAHOO! It was a lot of hard work poured into 4 days but it was worth it. I hope the girls felt the spirit and had fun, I know I did. The only thing I didn't like was missing Madison's first day of First Grade. Hopefully Mom took pictures. Maybe Daniel will post about the spiritual part of girls camp, I'm too close to it right now to be objective. Anyways... Until the next post....

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