It was a normal Sunday morning on the 13th of December, and we were all getting ready for church. I had jumped in the shower. Madison had finished her breakfast and was getting dressed in her church clothes. Daniel was getting McKinley dressed while Carter finished his breakfast. Well Carter finished his Eggo Waffles that Daniel had fixed for him and was still hungry. So Daniel ran down the stairs and put another waffle in the toaster and didn't give it a second thought. Well Daniel continues to get McKinley dressed and then he starts getting himself ready for church. I'm done in the shower and do my hair and call Madison in to get her hair done. As I open the bathroom door this smell hits me. It was awful. Right then we hear Carter say..."look at the smoke" Daniel goes flying down the stairs because smoke is billowing out of the microwave. I ask what he put in the microwave, and his reply is nothing. We then go around opening the doors and windows and turning on the fan above the stove so the smoke will disperse. Daniel then goes to the microwave and opens it and what does he find? This...
so lesson learned...microwaves and three year old boys don't mix!
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