Well now it's almost a month later but better late than never. Christmas at the Tate's...Daniel couldn't sleep so he woke up Madison who woke up Carter, who all three drug McKinley and myself out of bed.
This is Madison checking out her stocking...Oh my! Jonas Brothers pencils to match her Jonas Brothers pajamas! Carter checking out his stocking...the most important stuff comes out first. None other than the....CANDY!
Look at that face! What on earth are we doing up at this hour. McKinley's first Christmas, I don't think she's quite ready for this. (don't look at my double chin!)
Here's McKinley checking out her stocking
We have a tradition that Santa leaves his sack with presents in it for each of them. They are cute sacks that I got at Michael's when I worked there (now over a year ago...so not missing it...anyway) so Santa leaves this sack and they take presents out and unwrap them or tear the paper off in a frenzy. I think it adds a little bit more control and less chaos Christmas morning. Anyway the kids really like it. This is Carter searching the contents of his sack.
Anyway after our Christmas, we headed over to Daniel's parents, where the kids were spoiled and Daniel and I got $$ for TIRES! woot woot! hey we really need tires! Have you seen our tires they are beyond bald. Then we went to my parents house where they got a wii for Christmas, so we played for a little bit. Then headed off to Daniel's Grandma's house. Then after a little breakfast we headed home to rest for about two hours before heading over to my Grandma's house for dessert. Where my Grandmother gave us her history. I refused to read it until about 2 weeks later because I don't want her to think that once everyone has and read her history that she can go....because she can't! She's one of those special Grandma's that is going to be twinkled. Anyway after that we headed home for a short rest before heading over to Daniels parents again for dinner. After a rest there we went to my parents to play the wii, then finally at about 10 we went hone again, home again right into bed!
I hope everyone's holiday was just as good...Merry Christmas!
Until the next post....
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