I don't want anyone to think that Daniel is the only one who posts anything on our blog....so here I am blogging for the first time woo-hoo what a thrill! :) The robbery was awful and the following night/morning I also heard the car alarm going off and jumped out of bed raced down the stairs and flew open the door to catch the scumbags in the act.... well to my surprise and probably that of the neighbors it was the kids across the street honking their horn for their mom to come out and take them to school. Then logic caught up with me. What was I going to do here I am in my pj's half blind because I didn't grab my glasses, what was I going to do to the robbers? They weren't going to hit the same house again the very next night and at 8:00 in the morning. I hate this feeling of being out of control in a situation. That I don't know whats going to happen and to always have this sense of paranoia.
Not only to add to this situation. Daniel went out of town on monday for the night and got back late tuesday. My mother went to Denver with my grandma to visit my aunt. So there I was a week after being robbed home alone, by myself with 3 kids. Daniel has never left me before, I've left him (girls camp, youth conference, girls weekend, etc.) He can handle himself and the kids. It was scary but I managed. Now i know there are moms who do this all the time, single moms, military moms, etc. But I had never done it. At first I was afraid....I survived hey hey I will survive! Most of the lights were on that night but hey what can I say?
Good things did come of it though. Carter (who will be 3 in June) has decided to start potty training. YAY! Hip Hip HOORAY! It may be driven by his love for candy and treats but who cares if it works I won't have to spend money on diapers (I will probably have to spend money at the dentist since his teeth will be rotting out of his head) but I won't have to change stinky diapers any more! (Well until McKinley stops nursing) How is it going? Well when he is done eating his treat a few minutes later he some how needs to go potty again. I feel like I spend most of my day in the bathroom encouraging him but hopefully he's getting the hang of it. In the two days since we started, we've only had two accidents. So things are going.... :) well I guess that's all from me for now...I need to give McKinley her medicine we get to go get shots today...we aren't going to be happy tonight.
8 years ago
Having husbands gone isn't any fun! Ryan had to travel every so often with his last job. I'm so glad he got a new one without travel!