Monday, January 25, 2010

One year older...

Happy Happy Birthday from all of us to you! McKinley. One year older and wiser too. I can't believe how fast time has gone by. It's amazing how fast they grow up. She is still such a sweet, happy baby. Everyone who knows her LOVES her hugs. She actually wraps her arms around you and squeezes your neck. And when Daniel comes home she bounces up and down calling out da-da-da and gives him a huge hug. Now that's the way to come home. She has such a personality. She fakes you out on kisses, she goes in to kiss Daniel (you know the baby open mouth kiss) and right at the last second turns and pulls away and then laughs. I love her giggle. We've been trying to record it, but like the rest of my children, she does NOT perform on demand. She still is refusing to walk she might take a few steps if she is persuaded by a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup. Other than that she prefers to crawl and is pretty fast. She is an expert on the stairs. McKinley loves to sing and dance, anything that plays music (toys, tv, radio, i-pod) she bounces up and down to the beat. And at church when we sing she has to sing along!

Well the other day I took a trip down memory lane looking through her baby book that we give to the Grandma's, and I can't believe how much she's grown and changed. I hope you enjoy the pictures.

The birth announcement we sent out...
Her first professional pictures...and every child has had to have a naked picture and here she is...
I love this one
In her blessing dress

Oh how sweet
Our family about 4 months later
Just the kids
Madison has this same picture in the same outfit just facing the other way
She's starting to cry, but you really can't tell
passed out on the beach...
Football season...our football cheerleader!

Our amateur photo shoot

You know the first year has a lot of firsts. She's gone sledding, snowmobiling, on vacation to Yellowstone, 4-wheeling, to a rodeo, camping, to girls camp. She's had her first Christmas, Fourth of July, Easter, holidays. She's said first words, she's started crawling, taking steps. She started eating real food, drinking milk, getting teeth (we still have 6). We get to turn her car seat around. We've had Dr. appointments, shots and ear aches. Her first smile, hug, laugh, kiss. Even when she cries, it's okay because she has a cute little trill. There is so much to cherish, and it all happens in 12 months, 365 days. Where has the time gone. Treasure every day with your child, you don't want to miss a thing. Aw the sentimental notes of a mother.... Anyway off my soap box. I'll post birthday party pictures tomorrow. Happy Birthday little girl!

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