Thursday, April 9, 2009

Carter Carter is an interesting charecter. I started on him the other day and kind of showed that he is a bit of a menace. There are some other things I must add. The kid is just cursed. Even when he is trying to be helpful and loving and caring, things go wrong. The other day he decided that he is going to take on the responsibility of feeding the dog...
Great! One less thing I have to do...but Carter needs boundaries...otherwise he emptied 2-3 buckets full of dog food all over the ground...
He is very much against sleeping...getting him to take a nap is like getting him to leave his sister alone...he thinks it's a game...Well all this really leads to is him falling asleep in wierd positions and/or wierd he fell asleep standing up with his head on his bed and his arm jammed into the ladder to get up to Madison's!

In the next picture...Carter can be found asleep in a shopping cart. Not the most comfortable place to sleep. But the kid just falls asleep in places when he becomes to tired to fight it anymore.

There are also pictures of him asleep on the our front porch but I don't have it with me.

This next picture I am embarassed to share...but Carter likes to play dress up with his sister...Well Jenn and I have spent some money on dress up clothes for Madison, but the thought never really occurred to us that Carter would want to try dressing up as well. Bottom line is...the boy is going to play dress up...regardless of what is available for him to dress up in. And for those that are wondering...YES THIS IS CARTER in Madison's Leotard with the little tutu around his waist!
Needless to say, we have bought him a couple of more masculine things for him to play dress up in.
All in all... the kid is a trial...he's been quite the adventure and I can't imagine my life without him. In spite of his cross dressing tendencies and his desire to never sleep...he is a very happy, sweet kid who is very sensitive and loving. He is also a boy...and I will never forget it...his favorite toy is a ball and he loves to through baseballs, footballs basketballs and soccerballs as hard and as far as he can...he loves to play catch and to he loves to snuggle...I guess you can't ask for much more...


  1. jenn thanks for the link to your blog! This is katie williams! I have a blog also you should check us out at!!

    Your little boy is so cute! I don't know what i would do if gage didn't take naps!! those are some pretty funny pictures of him!

  2. Back in the day before car seats and seat belts with shoulder straps, Justin would sleep in the car folded in two around the lap belt. I bet he ain't that flexible now!

  3. he is a menace, but i can't imagine life without him! he's TOO FUNNY... just think of hte good stories you'll have when he is older.

  4. I miss you guys so much! I love the picture of Carter asleep wrapped around the ladder. If Macy's sleep trends continue we may have pictures like that someday . . .
