Monday, July 20, 2009

First Day of School

No tears were shed but it's not really not the first day of school. We got up early and got ready for our first day of kindergarten. We got to school at 8:30 and went to the activity center. This is where we met the principal, assistant principal, and the PTA president. It was a little long and not really attention grabbing for the kindergartners. But we learned the school rules, and had a cute slide show introducing us to Lincoln Elementary.

We then went to the library to meet Madison's teacher: Mrs. Jacobs. (Her first year teaching at Lincoln was when my little sister Karen had her for kindergarten) So I know she's a great teacher with lots of experience. After she talked to us about homework, testing, reading, etc. we were able to go to her classroom and look around. We signed up for a testing time. Madison goes back on Wednesday to get tested. Then on Tuesday the 28th is Madison's real first day of school. The day I actually have to drop her off and leave her to be all grown up and in school. Thankfully I work there so I'm just down the hall, so the separation anxiety for me won't be too bad.

After meeting her teacher and walking around the school we went out and played on the playground. She was really excited, but sad that she doesn't go back for a whole week. But we did get homework, a get to know you packet and a sheet that we color in apples for each day to count down until we go back to school. We then were done for the day. It ended up being a short hour and a half and then home again home again jiggety jig.

What a great first day of school! We'll see how next week goes for the real first day of school and how her testing goes...I'm more nervous about it than she is.


  1. Daniel,
    Thanks for the comment I am so proud of you that you remembered! Your blog is very cute, and I can't believe how cute your kids are...(are they yours!!!) Just kidding! It was so nice to see you too. Tell the family hello for me. ~Lindy

  2. so you guys have year round there? I couldn't figure out how 28th was Tuesday. Have fun!
